
Articles Posted in Ramifications of a DWI Conviction


Ignition Interlock Devices Required in Arizona

      In a new law enacted at midnight tonight, Arizona will require all first time offenders convicted of DUI to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicles.  The Arizona Republic Online reports that not only will 1st time offenders be required to install this device, but also, anyone whose…


The MADD influence is spreading….

Apparently some other groups are getting into the court watching program too. Christian court watches keep tabs on judges, is the title of CNN’s article on the subject. This Kentucky group has been getting in on the action as well.  It appears that their motives are more for drug offenders…


DWI Plea Bargains vs. Punishment if Found Guilty

I have been recently asked: You stated: "You will receive almost identical punishment if you are found guilty after trial." If one is found Guilty, is the punishment generally the same as was offered in the plea bargain, or generally the full penalty? — While I can never predict the…


SR-22 insurance in Texas DWI Cases

I am often asked the question, "What is SR-22 Insurance?" SR-22 insurance policy is a note held on file by the DPS. It is an extra charge you pay for your insurance carrier to communicate directly with DPS. DPS will hold your proof of insurance in their system, and whenever…


Radio Station believes Guilty until proven Innocent

In yet another instance of the "guilty until proven innocent mentality," an Indianapolis radio station has decided to do their part and read off a list of people arrested for drunken driving (DUI in Indiana).  I wonder if anyone at the station even though, just for a second about what…

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