
Articles Posted in Police


Attorney comments on the Illegal Stop and Arrest of DFW Memorial Day Biker

Last night, WFAA’s David Schechter ran a story featuring myself and my client after an obviously illegal stop and illegal arrest.   In order for the police to stop and detain someone, they must have “Reasonable Suspicion” that a crime has occurred.  This can, of course, include traffic offenses. But…


Cops Above the Law

In a DWI case, it is the officer’s opinion that the accused is guilty being the main source of evidence in the case.  Juries are then asked by the State’s attorneys to trust the officer, that his/her judgement was correct. A friend sent me this picture yesterday which demonstrates how officers…


Plano Police’s DWI Officers Under Fire

In an interesting development in Plano DWI news, it appears that four officers are now on trial for THEIR misconduct… Four Plano officers face federal lawsuit By Stephanie Flemmons, Staff Writer A Driving While Intoxicated arrest has led to the unveiling of what Tray Boswell believes was a “set-up” by…


Watch out Frisco Kid(s)!

Although not directly related to DWI, a new ordinance enacted by the Frisco, TX City Council could have DWI and DUI ramifications. The City of Frisco enacted a new "curfew" for those under 17, spanning from Midnight to 6am. In my opinion, this is just another "solution" to a problem…

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