From my college town of Gainesville, Florida, and their paper, the Gainesville Sun, comes this interesting piece. Dare I say, “Go Gators!?!” —- By Cindy Swirko Staff writer Debra Oberlin, 48, was arrested after she had difficulty on a field sobriety test. She registered a .234 and .239 on breath alcohol…
Articles Posted in MADD
Federal Ignition Interlock Requirement on all DWIs?
It seems as if the Federal Government is now getting into the mix of deciding what the individual states should and should not be allowed to do to punish first time DWI / DUI offenders. Today, an article in the USA today explained that the Federal Government has a pending bill that would…
More MADDness
A recent article in the Dallas Morning News is talking about a new law passed by Texas to help nab more uninsured motorists. The topic of this post is not whether or not it is a good law, waste of time, etc., but rather who helped champion the law…. Yup,…
More Interesting Plans by MADD
I read an article today on the online version of the Tyler Morning Telegraph. It is entitled "MADD President: More To Be Done To Prevent Deaths." Some interesting thoughts of MADD… Here are some of the quotes of MADD’s political agenda and hopes to remove all free will from our…
The MADD influence is spreading….
Apparently some other groups are getting into the court watching program too. Christian court watches keep tabs on judges, is the title of CNN’s article on the subject. This Kentucky group has been getting in on the action as well. It appears that their motives are more for drug offenders…
MADD pays 40K per year for “Court Monitors”
In another attempt to influence the Courts, the New Mexico chapter of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), has decided to pay $30,000 – $40,000 per year (per person) in order to "monitor" DWI and DUI in the local courtroom, and the activities of judges and prosecutors. Oh yeah.. they are…