I was informed today that long time sitting judge, Judge Jerry Lewis of Collin County Court Two has drawn an opponent, Sharon Ramage. I spoke with Sharon today who is going to email me some information about her campaign and a photo. However, I am impatient and pulled stuff from her website. I will update as needed. . . .
Considering there are several other open benches, most attorneys in the area were surprised at the news. But it does makes some sense considering each of the open benches have already garnered several candidates. See other posts on County Court 3, County Court 6, and District Court 219th.
Below are the candidates for the race:
Judge Lewis is the current sitting judge in County Court Two for over 20 years. I pulled his information from a facebook page created on his behalf.
Judge Lewis was first elected in 1986 and has presided over 22,000 cases. Judge Lewis is a former First Assistant District Attorney for Collin County and has ten years experience as a prosecuting attorney. He has served two terms as the Local Administrative Judge, of his fellow Court at Law Judges.
Judge Lewis is a military veteran, with 4 years active duty in the United States Army as a Captain and 5 more in the Reserves. He has been a Boy Scout leader for over 25 years and was awarded the Silver Beaver Award in 2004 – the highest adult honor given by the local Circle Ten Council.
Based on his facebook page, he will have a campaign website up soon: www.judgejerrylewis.com
Sharon Ramage has been licensed to practice law since 1992. As a former social worker, Ms. Ramage has practiced law in many areas specific to protecting children since that time. From 1992-1997, Sharon served as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney in Tarrant County, and was assigned to the Crimes Against Children Division from 1995-1997.
After resigning from the District Attorney’s Office, Ms. Ramage opened a private practice in Tarrant County, where she practiced special education law and family law. Since 2000, Ms. Ramage has worked in private practice in Collin County, primarily in the area of family law and adoption. Since 2003, she has also served as a Special Education Hearing Officer and Mediator for the Texas Education Agency, conducing special education due process hearings and mediating disputes between schools and parents.
“The totality of my experience — criminal prosecutor, defense attorney, appellate attorney, family law attorney, mediator and hearing officer — has prepared me for this position,” Ramage said. “I welcome this challenge and recognize the hard work that lies before me in seeking this position, as well as in the hard work and diligence required of the Bench.”
Sharon is married and the mother of two children adopted from China.